
The station is situated in Rongo District, Kanyamkago West Location, Kajulu II Sub-location. It is about 45kms from Migori Town, near the Tanzanian border with Kenya, and is 480kms from Nairobi. 

Capacity and History

The Station rating is 1000kw per Unit and comprises two Kaplan Turbine type units. The station was commission in 1957 with the main reason being to supply power to the South Nyanza Mine at Macalder Mine from which the East African Power & Lighting, which later became  Kenya Power & Lighting Company, bought after 1970s. KenGen took over the station after it was formed in 1997.

Findings of a feasibility study carried in 2001/2002 by Nippon Koei indicate that the station has a maximum potential of up to 60MW peak operation.