The administrative office of the Seven Forks Hydro Stations is located at Gitaru Central office about 180km from Nairobi via the Nairobi-Thika-Kangonde-Embu road. The lower Tana River has been harnessed to provide 599.2MW of electrical energy for Kenya. Dams have been constructed at the following sites to tap most of the potential of the river:
- Masinga Power Station: 40MW
- Kamburu Power Station: 94.20MW
- Gitaru Power Station: 225.25MW
- Kindaruma Power Station: 72MW
- Kiambere Power Station: 168MW
The River Tana water is cascaded from one station to the next, taking advantage of the head created by each dam to produce power. In order to provide adequate flow during the dry periods, water is stored at Masinga reservoir and released during the dry season.