• 0711036000
  • Mon - Thur 07:45 - 17:00 (Fri 07:45 - 16:30)
  • KenGen Pension Plaza II
KenGen Energy Park

Promoter: Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen)

Private sector participation: O&M; DEVELOPER, INVESTOR, TENANT

Location: Olkaria, Naivasha

KenGen has completed plans to set up an Energy park at its geothermal power generation hub at Olkaria-Naivasha in order to take advantage of the competitively priced geothermal steam and electricity as key economic drivers of production. The park will provide industrial, commercial and recreational facilities and will be developed in two phases, the completion of the first phase planned by 2022. The park is strategically located along regional transport routes with access by road and rail. The park will provide quality and reliable utilities and energy supply (Electricity, high pressure stream and brine at 130 degree Celsius) which will be managed through an appointed developer who will develop infrastructure for a plug and play environment


Seven Forks 40MW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project

Promoter: Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen)

Private sector participation: EPC

Location: Embu County

The project entails development of a 40MW solar photovoltaic (PV) pilot plant in seven forks area to utilize abundant solar energy, reduce consumption of fossil fuels, diversify energy sources for electricity generation, and to master solar power generation technology. It will be undertaken on approximately 80 Hectares of land wholly owned by KenGen and free of human settlement. The site has a high solar irradiation of above 2,000kWh/m2.


Raising of Masinga Hydropower Dam

Promoter: Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen)

Private sector participation: EPC

Location: Masinga

The Masinga Hydropower dam is the largest dam on Seven Forks cascade with a storage capacity of 1,560 million cubic meters and installed generation capacity of 40MW. The project entails increasing the reservoir storage capacity to enhance power generation and storage. The feasibility study conducted recommended the option of raising the dam by 1.5 Meters to a full supply level of 1,058 metter above sea level.


Ngong Wind Farm

Within the period of 2009 and 2014, KenGen implemented and commissioned the Ngong I and II wind projects with an installed capacity of 5.1 and 20.4MW respectively.

The Ngong Wind Farm is located on the Ngong Hills, near Ngong town in Kajiado County and is approximately 20 Kilometres from the capital, Nairobi.

The Ngong I plant consists of 6 Vestas V52-850 KW 50 Hz turbines while the Ngong II plant consists of 8 Vestas V52-850 KW 50 Hz turbines and 16 Gamesa turbines G52-850 KW 50HZ turbines. Total generated power of 25.5MW is evacuated via an 11/66 kV line to the Ngong Substation.

Plans are at advanced stage for the development of Ngong Phase 3 wind farm with an 18-month implementation period. Once completed, the project will add 10MW to the national grid. Also planned for development is the Ngong Phase 4 wind farm which will bring on-stream another 40MW at a cost of USD70 million.


Olkaria 1 Units 1, 2 & 3 Rehabilitation Project

The 45MW Olkaria 1 (Units 1, 2 and 3) Geothermal Power Plant is located at the Olkaria geothermal field in the Rift Valley. This was the first geothermal power plant in Africa commissioned in 1980.

Due to the normal wear and tear experienced by the plant over years of operation, KenGen wishes to restore the plant to its former glory and is currently in the process of procuring a Contractor to carry out the rehabilitation works.

Upon completion of the project, the plant will be upgraded from the current 45MW to 50.7MW.


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Head Office

  • KenGen Pension Plaza II
    Kolobot Road, Parklands
  • P. O. BOX 47936, 00100, Nairobi
  • TEL:
  • +254 711 036-000
  • +254 732 116-000
  • +254 020 366-6000
  • Email: pr@kengen.co.ke

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