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Nairobi, Tuesday, July 17, 2024: Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is to add 42.5MW of solar energy in Seven Forks area in a move to scale up Kenya’s green energy deployment.

The project is expected to last for twenty-eight (28) months and seeks to install a 42.5MW solar power plant in the home of the Seven Forks dams where KenGen generates most of its hydroelectricity. The additional capacity will not only scale up renewable energy, but also cushion Kenyans against the rising cost of power as it will complement the hydroelectricity generation during the day and save water for electricity generation at night, especially during drought.

The project being implemented in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD) is the first of its kind for the NSE-listed company as it aims to deliver more renewable energy to the national grid in the wake of climate change.

The signing ceremony was attended by Principal Secretary (PS), State Department for Energy, Alex Wachira, KenGen Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga, French Ambassador to Kenya HE Arnaud SUQUET and AFD Country Director, Bertrand Willocquet.

“France is keen on partnering with Kenya in the deployment of renewable energy to stem climate change for which Kenya has shown its prowess as demonstrated in the Olkaria Geothermal Field and the Seven Forks area,” Willocquet said.

Speaking during the signing, PS Wachira welcomed the move, describing it as a big win for Kenya.

“The project will provide affordable, reliable, clean energy, create employment opportunities and community engagement through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Indeed, Kenya and France have enjoyed longstanding cordial relations, especially in the energy sector and this cooperation continues to advance our energy infrastructure for the benefit of the great people of Kenya,” he added.

KenGen Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga described the partnership as timely, saying the company was working to scale up its renewable energy capacity by adding additional electricity drawn from clean sources, moving Kenya towards a 100% green energy transition.

“As you are aware, KenGen is committed to achieving Kenya's goal of increasing its renewable energy capacity to 100% by 2030. We have made significant progress towards this goal and our partnership with AFD has been instrumental in achieving this great milestone. We are now ready to develop our 42.5MW solar power project, adding more renewable energy to the national grid within 28 months,” said Eng Njenga.

“This project is going to complement hydro during the day when the sun's intensity will be high, especially during the dry season. That way, we can conserve water for power generation, mostly at night,” he added.

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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,725MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (753.8MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

About AFD

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) implements France’s policy on international development and solidarity. Through its financing of NGOs and the public sector, as well as its research and publications, AFD supports and accelerates transitions towards a fairer, more resilient world. It also provides training in sustainable development (at the AFD Campus) and other awareness-raising activities in France.

With our partners, we are building shared solutions with and for the people of the Global South. Our teams are at work on more than 4,000 projects in the field, in the French Overseas Departments and Territories, in 115 countries, and in regions in crisis. We strive to protect global public goods – promoting a stable climate, biodiversity, and peace, as well as gender equality, education, and healthcare. In this way, we contribute to the commitment of France and the French people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Towards a world in common.

For media queries please contact:

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Photo 3

Nairobi, Tuesday, June 11, 2024: Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) PLC has received its latest achievement in operational excellence, earning ISO 45001:2018 certification for Occupational Health & Safety after successfully going through rigorous audits conducted by Bureau Veritas to confirm the company’s conformity to international standards.

This significant milestone underscores the NSE listed company’s unwavering commitment to enhancing safety performance and fostering a robust safety culture across all levels and operations in line with international best practices and standards.

The certification spans all generation modes and associated activities, demonstrating KenGen's dedication to providing safe and healthy work environments for its employees and stakeholders.

Speaking after receiving the certificate from the certification body, Bureau Veritas, KenGen Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga said KenGen is excited and proud of this accomplishment and what it signifies for the our future operations.

"This certification highlights our relentless commitment to safety and continuous improvement noting that KenGen was the first public institution to receive the ISO certification in Kenya back in 2004," he said.

“KenGen has maintained the focus and commitment to the high standards leading to this certification and recertification in two other standards on Quality Management System (QMS) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS),” added Eng. Peter Njenga

ISO 45001:2018 is an internationally recognized standard that sets requirements for organizations to create safe workplaces, prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, and continuously improve Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) performance.

“KenGen's certification reflects the company's well-defined systems and structures that ensure the consistent delivery of a safe working environment, minimizing risks for employees and other stakeholders,” said KenGen Managing Director and CEO.

Speaking during the same event, Bureau Veritas Regional sales Marketing Manager Mr. Ali Noor, who was representing Bureau Veritas District Executive Officer for East and Central Africa, Mr. Cyprian Kabbis, said the audit process for certification of KenGen was conducted smoothly and commended the KenGen team for their dedication and cooperation all through the process of audits and implementation of the procedures.

"KenGen has demonstrated exceptional dedication to maintaining a safe workplace, significantly reducing the risk of illness or injury," noted Mr. Ali Noor.

The certification is expected to run for the next three years and is the third certification since the company was first ISO certified in 2004.

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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,725MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources, namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (754MW), Thermal (120MW), and Wind (25.5MW).

For media queries please contact:

Emmanuel Wandera, Tel 0721747890 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Photo 1

Thursday, May 23, 2024: The Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) is set to host a Microsoft and G42 green data center campus at its Green Energy Park, which will run on 100% renewable geothermal power at the Olkaria Geothermal fields in Naivasha.

This announcement follows a landmark agreement made in Washington D.C. during President William Ruto's state visit to the United States, where Microsoft and G42, a leading AI and cloud computing company based in the UAE, committed to developing a renewable energy-powered cloud data center in Kenya. As part of this ambitious project, G42 will build a sustainable, state-of-the-art data center campus powered entirely by geothermal energy from KenGen's iconic Olkaria geothermal fields.

The $1 billion Microsoft-G42 Olkaria data center campus is scheduled to break ground in Q3 2024, with the East Africa Cloud Region expected to go live within 24 months. This visionary project is set to redefine industrialization in the region while providing a sustainable and clean source of geothermal energy.

The new ‘East Africa Cloud Region’, based in Kenya, will offer Microsoft Azure cloud services powered by G42's green data centres. It will provide scalable, secure, and high-speed cloud computing and AI capabilities to accelerate digital transformation across Kenya, East Africa, and the continent.

President Ruto hailed the vision of the three nations coming together, stating, "This partnership embodies our aspiration to accelerate technological innovation and build a thriving digital economy for Africa and beyond."

KenGen Managing Director and CEO Eng. Peter Njenga lauded the partnership between Microsoft and G42, saying KenGen was ready to provide the needed green energy to power the project.

“This is the second Tier IV Data Centre that KenGen Green Energy Park is hosting, following a groundbreaking ceremony last year with Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) in Olkaria, Naivasha, in a move we believe will catalyze industrialization in the region,” said Eng. Njenga.

The NSE-listed company CEO said the Energy Park aims to harness the abundant geothermal resources in Olkaria, providing a stable and renewable energy source for industries within the park. “Notably, the park presents an alluring opportunity for investors seeking collaboration with KenGen to establish industries within a green energy-focused environment,” he said.

Eng. Njenga went on to say: “KenGen Green Energy Park has become a hallmark of Kenya’s sustainable development and is a testament to our dedication to innovation, collaboration, and responsible growth. This is an open invitation for investors to join us in creating a greener, more prosperous future," said Eng. Njenga.

According to KenGen, the Green Energy Park spanning an impressive 342 hectares, will accommodate a harmonious blend of industrial and non-industrial activities. The master-planned development encompasses offices, data centers, research and development centers, hospitality spaces, a visitor experience center, and administrative and commercial facilities.

With its geothermal power plants located in Olkaria, generating about 800MW of geothermal power from this field, Kenya boasts an impressive installed geothermal capacity of about 980MW, ranking seventh in the world in geothermal power generation.



Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,725MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (753.8MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KenGen Masinga Dam Spillway

Nairobi, THURSDAY, May 2, 2024: The level of water in Kenya’s largest hydro power generating dam, Masinga, located in the Seven Forks Cascade today morning was at 1,058.22 meters above sea level against a full supply level of 1,056.50 meters. This season has seen Masinga rise to the highest level ever recorded in history surpassing the previous record of 1,058.13 last recorded in May 2020.

This upsurge is attributed to a significant increase in the amount of water currently flowing into the dams averaging more than 850m3 per second over the last week caused by heavy rainfall in the dams’ catchment area. It is expected that the water levels will remain high for most parts of May 2024 as the ongoing rains persist as forecasted by the Kenya Meteorological Department.

KenGen reiterates that all its large hydropower dams in the Seven Forks have reached full supply capacity and now hold a combined volume of more than 2.6 billion cubic meters against a total flow from River Tana estimated at five (5) billion cubic meters. Other dams in the Seven Forks Cascade are Kamburu, Gitaru, Kindaruma, and Kiambere.

“The Seven Forks dams hold the bulk of the water flowing from River Tana, way more than half the volume, which would otherwise be flooding areas downstream of the Dams thereby reducing the damage caused by the ongoing rains,” said KenGen’s Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga.

The NSE-listed firm however assured Kenyans about the safety of the dams which the company said were strongly built with all the safety features to withstand the high pressures of water allaying the risk of the dams bursting their banks.

“We constantly monitor our dams’ structure and would wish to assure all Kenyans that the dam safety measures we have put in place along with our disaster preparedness help allay risks of the water breaching the walls of the dams,” said Eng. Njenga.

Effectively, thanks to the good water inflows, KenGen has stepped up power generation from its large hydropower stations giving a reprieve to electricity consumers in Kenya.

According to reports by EPRA released on April 29, 2024, against a peak demand of 2,033MW KenGen’s hydro contributed 36.5% while geothermal accounted for 32% boosting KenGen’s share to more than 70% of the total power consumed in Kenya.

In November 2023, KenGen predicted that Masinga Dam was likely to reach full supply capacity and overflow in April 2024, which has come to pass. At that time, KenGen issued an early warning to communities living near the dams and rivers to relocate and move to higher grounds to avoid loss of lives and property.


“We thank those who took our warning seriously and moved to safer zones and urge those still residing near the dams and river Tana to heed the Government’s call and move to safer grounds,” said Eng. Njenga, adding, “The communities residing in Mbondoni location, Kithecu, and Menguthe villages are particularly at risk. Given the current circumstances, we must prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens.”

Over the years, the dams have helped to regulate river flows and mitigate flooding downstream by temporarily storing the flood volume and allowing the water to naturally flow downstream later through the power plants. This has been achieved through a robust water management plan for regulating storage and power generation to ensure a healthy ecosystem and less flooding during heavy rains.

“As projected by the Kenya Meteorological Department the rains are likely to go until the end of May, yet we need cheaper power for the entire year, this is why we are implementing a robust water management plan to enable us to supply hydropower all through the year to help stabilize the cost of electricity in Kenya,” said Eng. Njenga.

Going forward KenGen with the support of the Government is considering raising of Masinga Dam by 1.5 meters which will help hold more water and further delay the overflow of the dam during heavy rains.

KenGen’s hydroelectric power capacity currently stands at 826MW which accounts for 44% of its installed capacity and about 25% of the total national capacity.

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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,725MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (753.8MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:  

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Olkaria I

Nairobi, Tuesday, March 19, 2024: Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) has awarded a multibillion contract for the rehabilitation of Kenya’s oldest geothermal power plant aiming to increase its output from 45MW to 63MW in a move to accelerate the country’s transition to green energy.

The NSE-listed electricity generator said the strategic initiative is poised to elevate the power plant's operational efficiency and increase electricity generation output by up to 40% compared to existing conventional models whose first unit was commissioned in 1981 and has since been decommissioned.

In the tender, SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd will be the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contractors (EPC) whereas Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corporation (Toshiba ESS) has been awarded the contract to supply steam turbines and generators for the three units of the power plant.

KenGen’s Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "The renovation of Olkaria I represents a historic milestone for KenGen as we continue our commitment to sustainable energy solutions. By leveraging the latest advancements in geothermal technology, we aim to not only enhance the performance of the plant but also set new standards for renewable energy production in Kenya."

The modernization project, scheduled for completion by December 2026, is designed to align with Kenya's broader energy objectives and the Vision 2030 initiative, which envisions a transition to 100% green energy by the end of the decade.

“As the oldest geothermal power plant in Africa, Olkaria I holds significant historical importance and stands as a testament to Kenya's pioneering efforts in renewable energy production and therefore the excitement for us to have this power plant back on the grid,” said Eng. Njenga.

The KenGen CEO expressed confidence in the project citing resource availability and the company’s highly skilled expertise. He said: “Having operated for more than 40 years, this confirms the sustainability of geothermal coupled with the skills set and human resource capabilities that KenGen has developed over the years, we are confident the project will be completed on time and within budget.”

Through this comprehensive renovation, KenGen aims to not only extend the operational lifespan of Olkaria I but also establish a model for sustainable energy development that can be replicated across the region as Kenya angles to exploit the 10,000MW of geothermal potential in the Rift Valey region of Kenya.

By prioritizing innovation, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, KenGen is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for Kenya's energy landscape.  


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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,904MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (799MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:  

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KenGen Managing Director CEO Eng. Peter Njenga addressing the media during the announcement of financial Results

Nairobi, Thursday February 29, 2024: Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) has announced a commendable half-year performance, marked by a notable 8.4% surge in net revenue, reaching Ksh.24.7 billion for the six months ending December 31, 2023.

The NSE-listed energy generator attributed the positive outcome to favorable hydrology and heightened plant efficiency, setting the stage for sustained growth in Kenya's energy sector.

“The operational environment for the aforementioned period was characterized by heavy rainfall that led to an increase in water levels within our hydro dams thus boosting hydro-generation by a remarkable 7%. This substantial boost in hydro-generation played a key role in mitigating the high fuel costs associated with thermal generation, which saw a commendable dip of 3.5%,” said the Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga.

Overall, electricity units generated demonstrated a modest improvement of 0.3%, reaching 4,211GWhs. KenGen reported that the national electricity demand continued its upward trajectory, peaking at 2,170.56MW on December 19, 2023, underlining the growing significance of KenGen's role in meeting the energy needs of the nation.

Net revenue's robust growth, reflecting the impact of favorable hydrology and enhanced plant efficiency, is mirrored in the 1.8% improvement in profit before tax, which grew from Ksh.4.7 billion in 2022 to Ksh.4.8 billion in 2023.

The company’s operating landscape however witnessed a 16.4% increase in operating expenses, predominantly influenced by higher plant operating and maintenance costs stemming from the global macro-economic pressure.

At the same time, KenGen’s positive momentum was slowed by tax expense which surged by 25.7%, escalating from Ksh.1.48 billion in 2022 to Ksh.1.8 billion in 2023, primarily due to an increase in unrealized foreign exchange losses that are disallowable for tax purposes among others. Consequently, Profit after tax declined by 9.2% from Ksh.3.3 billion in the corresponding period of 2022 to Ksh.2.9 billion in 2023.

KenGen maintains a positive outlook, underscoring the escalating national demand for clean electric energy citing noteworthy projects, including the rehabilitation of the Olkaria I geothermal power plant which KenGen says is well on schedule.

At the same time, KenGen says its Olkaria uprating project which aims to increase the combined capacity of two geothermal power plants from 300MW to 340MW is expected to be complete by December 2026.

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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,904MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (799MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:  

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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