• 0711036000
  • Mon - Thur 07:45 - 17:00 (Fri 07:45 - 16:30)
  • KenGen Pension Plaza II


Energy is one of the key enablers of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Big 4 Agenda development programs. Kenya treats energy security as a matter of national priority. The Third Medium Plan 2017-2022 identifies energy as the country’s driver into “a newly-industrializing, middle-income economy, providing a high quality of life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment.” Kenya considers access to competitively-priced, reliable, quality, safe and sustainable energy as an essential ingredient for the country’s social –economic development.


To facilitate provision of clean, sustainable, affordable, reliable, and secure energy services for national development while protecting the environment.


Affordable quality energy for all Kenyans


The Ministry is in charged with the mandate to develop and implement policies that create an enabling environment for efficient operation and growth of Kenya’s energy sector. The Ministry sets strategic directions to facilitate the growth of the sector while providing long term vision for all sector players.

Core Functions of the Ministry of Energy

The core functions of the Ministry are derived from the President’s Executive Order No.1 of 2018 (Revised June, 2018). The functions are:

  1. National Energy Policy Development and Management
  2. Thermal Power Develpment
  3. Rural Electrification Programme
  4. Energy Regulation, Security and Conservation
  5. Hydropower Development
  6. Geothermal Exploration and Development
  7. Promotion of Renewable Energy


Electrical Power Development Directorate

The Directorate of Electrical Power is headed by Eng. Julius Mwathani. The functions of the directorate include:

  1. Formulating and reviewing electrical energy policies, regulations and guideliens
  2. Updating the least cost power development plan
  3. National power planning.
  4. Implementation of national electrification strategy.
  5. Tariff policy formulation.
  6. Development of technical standards related to electrical energy infrastructure and equipment in collaboration with Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).
  7. Regional power studies.
  8. Conducting feasibility studies on electrical power project.
  9. Appraising, monitoring and evaluation of power generation, transmission, distribution and rural electrification projects.

Resource mobilization for the implementation of power projects.

Geo-Exploration Directorate

The Geo-Exploration is headed by Mr. Crispin Lupe. The functions of the directorate include:

  1. Formulation of policy, fiscal, legal and regulatory framework for exploration and production of geo-energy resources.
  2. Conducts geological, geo-physical, geo-chemical mapping for purposes of analyzing and interpreting geo-energy resources.
  3. Exploring, drilling operations in geo-energy resources.
  4. Evaluation of geo-energy resource areas.
  5. Negotiation, promotion and licensing of geo-energy resource sites for purposes of production.

Monitoring and supervision of the development and production of geo-energy resources.

Renewable Energy Directorate

The Directorate of Renewable Energy is headed by Eng. Isaac Kiva. The functions of the directorate include:

  1. Formulation, review and analysis of policy, regulations and guidlines on renewable energy.
  2. Promotion and development of appropriate renewable energy technologies.
  3. Capacity building and public awareness creation on renewable energy options.
  4. Promotion of energy conservation and efficiency in households, industries and institutions in collaboration with Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and other stakeholders.
  5. Formulation of quality control standards on renewable energy technologies in collaboration with Kenya Bureau of Standards.
  6. Demonstration of on-farm wood fuel species, seedling production and management.
  7. Conduct pre-feasibiltiy studies on co-generation, biogases production and small-hydropower sources.
  8. Carry out site investigations and analysis of wind energy resources.
  9. Dissemination of renewable energy information at the energy centers countrywide.

Research and development of renewable energy technologies.

Directorate of Administrative Services

The directorate is headed by Mr. Evans Mutari. Administrative Services for the Ministry are offered by through the following divisions:

  1. Administration
  2. Human Resource Management
  3. Finance
  4. Accounting Services
  5. Supply Chain Management
  6. Internal Audit and Risk Management
  7. Central Planning and Project Management
  8. Public Relations and Communications
  9. Legal Services
  10. Information, Communication and Technology

Semi-Autonomous Agencies (SAGAs) under the Ministry of Energy

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen)

KenGen is the leading electricity power-generating company in Kenya, producing about 60% percent of electricity consumed in the country. The company utilizes various sources of energy to generate electricity ranging from hydro, geothermal, thermal and wind. It is 70% owned by the Government and 30% shareholding is in the hands of the public.

Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO)

The company is 100% Government owned. It is responsible for planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining high voltage electricity grid.

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC)

Kenya Power is a state corporation. It is responsible for electricity transmission, distribution and retail sales. It operates energy purchase agreements with KenGen and the Independent Power Producers for onwards transmission and distribution.

Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA)

EPRA is an independent statutory body with a regulatory mandate in the operations of the entire energy and petroleum sectors. EPRA exists to protect interests of the consumer, investor and other stakeholders by enforcing the Energy Act. It has the powers to formulate and enforce secondary legislation.

Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC)

The Rural Electrification Authority is charged with the mandate of implementing the Rural Electrification Programme. It is 100% Government owned. The Authority is expected to increase the speed of implementation of several projects that are lined up for implementation throughout the country.

Geothermal Development Company (GDC)

This is a state-owned company responsible for geothermal resource assessments, including exploration, appraisal and steam production. It explores and develops steam fields and sells geo-thermal steam to KenGen and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for electricity generation.

Energy Tribunal

The Tribunal arbitrates disputes between the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority and other aggrieved stakeholders in the energy sector.

Stakeholders of the Ministry

  1. The Ministry’s Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) 

The Ministry implements its development programs / projects through the SAGAs.

  1. Government Ministries, State Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

The Ministry cooperates with other Ministries and Departments in implementation of its projects, resource mobilization and facilitation in the development of the instrumental, legal and regulatory framework.

Independent Power Producers

Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are private companies which generate power and supply electricity in bulk to Kenya Power and Lighting Company.

Development Partners

Development partners provide both financial and non-financial resources towards development of the energy sector. This category includes foreign governments, financial institutions, exploration companies and other investors with interests in the energy sector


They are consumers of the services rendered by the Ministry


  1. Provide necessary policy and legal framework.
  2. Provide an enabling environment for service delivery and customer satisfaction.
  3. Provide feedback on inquiries, complaints and compliments.
  4. Involve stakeholders in policy making and other activities that affect their operations / lives.
  5. Treat customers with courtesy, honesty and respect.


  1. Enabling regulatory framework for the Energy sector.
  2. Ensuring sustainable, affordable, reliable, sufficient and safe supply of energy to Kenyans.
  3. Promote efficiency in the utilization and conservation of
  4. Ensure universal access to electricity by 2022.
  5. Exploration and development of geothermal and geo-energy resources.
  6. Development of new and renewable energy sources; and
  7. Optimize utilization of both human and financial resources.


In-order to meet the Ministry’s policy objectives, the Ministry undertakes the following as its strategic focus areas:

  1. Expand and upgrade energy infrastructure.
  2. Promote energy efficiency and conservation while protecting the environment.
  3. Mobilize requisite financial resources for operation and expansion of energy services, consistent with rising demand.
  4. Ensure security of supply through diversificatin of energy sources and mixes in a cost – effective manner.
  5. Enhance legal, regulatory and institutional framworks through corporate governance and accountability.
  6. Enhance economic competitiveness and efficiency in energy production, supply and delivery.


Professionalism in service delivery.

  1. Efficient and effective use of resources.
  2. Responsive, prompt, impartial and equitable provision of resources.
  3. Involvement of the people in policy making processes.
  4. Transparency, accountability, integrity, respect for diversity and customer focus.


We commit ourselves to:

  1. Give priority to customer needs.
  2. Provide citizens with information in user friendly formats and channels.
  3. Be helpful, handle clients with dignity, courtesy, fairness and utmost respect.
  4. Uphold transparency and accountability.
  5. Promote meritocracy, professionalism and work etiquette.
  6. Uphold the principles of natural justice.
  7. Respect and protect the confidentiality of any information provided by clients.
  8. Sustain monitoring and evaluation systems to keep track of our performance.
  9. Take corrective actions on deficiencies that may occur.
  10. Uphold the Ministry’s mandate in the provision of energy services.


The Ministry offers a wide range of services including:

  1. Extension, training and public awareness on renewable energy options
  2. Promotion, development and transfer of appropriate renewable energy technologies.
  3. Promotion of energy conservation in households and institutions
  4. Quality control of the technologies and conservation devices
  5. On-farm demonstration of wood fuel species production and management techniques.
  6. Geological mapping for geo-energy resources
  7. Analysis, interpretation, storage and disseminating of energy data
  8. Financial support to the parastatals in the energy sector


  1. Resource allocation to parastatals in the energy sector is done within five (5) days after receipt of the money from the exchequer
  2. Arbitration process starts within seven (7) days for any disputes received
  3. Issuing of license begins within seven (7) days after receipt of application and fulfillment of necessary requirements.
  4. Relevant training and on-farm demonstration of wood fuel species production and management techniques held on quarterly at each energy centre subject to availability of funds
  5. Offer the services to all clients on “first come, first served” basis.
  6. Promptly attend to telephone calls – within three rings
  7. Correspondences are acknowledged within seven (7) days from the date of receipt
  8. Payments are made within five (5) days upon receipt of all necessary documents, subject to availability of funds from the exchequer


The Ministry encourages citizens to make complaints, suggestions and or compliments to the Ministry in person, by post, telephone or email.

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Tel.020-3310112 Ext.22138/22116/7

For more information visit The Ministry of Energy website

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ftOur Contacts

Head Office

  • KenGen Pension Plaza II
    Kolobot Road, Parklands
  • P. O. BOX 47936, 00100, Nairobi
  • TEL:
  • +254 711 036-000
  • +254 732 116-000
  • +254 020 366-6000
  • Email: pr@kengen.co.ke

© 2025 KenGen