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  • KenGen Pension Plaza II

Nairobi, THURSDAY, May 2, 2024: The level of water in Kenya’s largest hydro power generating dam, Masinga, located in the Seven Forks Cascade today morning was at 1,058.22 meters above sea level against a full supply level of 1,056.50 meters. This season has seen Masinga rise to the highest level ever recorded in history surpassing the previous record of 1,058.13 last recorded in May 2020.

This upsurge is attributed to a significant increase in the amount of water currently flowing into the dams averaging more than 850m3 per second over the last week caused by heavy rainfall in the dams’ catchment area. It is expected that the water levels will remain high for most parts of May 2024 as the ongoing rains persist as forecasted by the Kenya Meteorological Department.

KenGen reiterates that all its large hydropower dams in the Seven Forks have reached full supply capacity and now hold a combined volume of more than 2.6 billion cubic meters against a total flow from River Tana estimated at five (5) billion cubic meters. Other dams in the Seven Forks Cascade are Kamburu, Gitaru, Kindaruma, and Kiambere.

“The Seven Forks dams hold the bulk of the water flowing from River Tana, way more than half the volume, which would otherwise be flooding areas downstream of the Dams thereby reducing the damage caused by the ongoing rains,” said KenGen’s Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga.

The NSE-listed firm however assured Kenyans about the safety of the dams which the company said were strongly built with all the safety features to withstand the high pressures of water allaying the risk of the dams bursting their banks.

“We constantly monitor our dams’ structure and would wish to assure all Kenyans that the dam safety measures we have put in place along with our disaster preparedness help allay risks of the water breaching the walls of the dams,” said Eng. Njenga.

Effectively, thanks to the good water inflows, KenGen has stepped up power generation from its large hydropower stations giving a reprieve to electricity consumers in Kenya.

According to reports by EPRA released on April 29, 2024, against a peak demand of 2,033MW KenGen’s hydro contributed 36.5% while geothermal accounted for 32% boosting KenGen’s share to more than 70% of the total power consumed in Kenya.

In November 2023, KenGen predicted that Masinga Dam was likely to reach full supply capacity and overflow in April 2024, which has come to pass. At that time, KenGen issued an early warning to communities living near the dams and rivers to relocate and move to higher grounds to avoid loss of lives and property.


“We thank those who took our warning seriously and moved to safer zones and urge those still residing near the dams and river Tana to heed the Government’s call and move to safer grounds,” said Eng. Njenga, adding, “The communities residing in Mbondoni location, Kithecu, and Menguthe villages are particularly at risk. Given the current circumstances, we must prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens.”

Over the years, the dams have helped to regulate river flows and mitigate flooding downstream by temporarily storing the flood volume and allowing the water to naturally flow downstream later through the power plants. This has been achieved through a robust water management plan for regulating storage and power generation to ensure a healthy ecosystem and less flooding during heavy rains.

“As projected by the Kenya Meteorological Department the rains are likely to go until the end of May, yet we need cheaper power for the entire year, this is why we are implementing a robust water management plan to enable us to supply hydropower all through the year to help stabilize the cost of electricity in Kenya,” said Eng. Njenga.

Going forward KenGen with the support of the Government is considering raising of Masinga Dam by 1.5 meters which will help hold more water and further delay the overflow of the dam during heavy rains.

KenGen’s hydroelectric power capacity currently stands at 826MW which accounts for 44% of its installed capacity and about 25% of the total national capacity.

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About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,725MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (753.8MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:  

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nairobi, Tuesday, March 19, 2024: Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) has awarded a multibillion contract for the rehabilitation of Kenya’s oldest geothermal power plant aiming to increase its output from 45MW to 63MW in a move to accelerate the country’s transition to green energy.

The NSE-listed electricity generator said the strategic initiative is poised to elevate the power plant's operational efficiency and increase electricity generation output by up to 40% compared to existing conventional models whose first unit was commissioned in 1981 and has since been decommissioned.

In the tender, SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd will be the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contractors (EPC) whereas Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corporation (Toshiba ESS) has been awarded the contract to supply steam turbines and generators for the three units of the power plant.

KenGen’s Managing Director and CEO, Eng. Peter Njenga expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "The renovation of Olkaria I represents a historic milestone for KenGen as we continue our commitment to sustainable energy solutions. By leveraging the latest advancements in geothermal technology, we aim to not only enhance the performance of the plant but also set new standards for renewable energy production in Kenya."

The modernization project, scheduled for completion by December 2026, is designed to align with Kenya's broader energy objectives and the Vision 2030 initiative, which envisions a transition to 100% green energy by the end of the decade.

“As the oldest geothermal power plant in Africa, Olkaria I holds significant historical importance and stands as a testament to Kenya's pioneering efforts in renewable energy production and therefore the excitement for us to have this power plant back on the grid,” said Eng. Njenga.

The KenGen CEO expressed confidence in the project citing resource availability and the company’s highly skilled expertise. He said: “Having operated for more than 40 years, this confirms the sustainability of geothermal coupled with the skills set and human resource capabilities that KenGen has developed over the years, we are confident the project will be completed on time and within budget.”

Through this comprehensive renovation, KenGen aims to not only extend the operational lifespan of Olkaria I but also establish a model for sustainable energy development that can be replicated across the region as Kenya angles to exploit the 10,000MW of geothermal potential in the Rift Valey region of Kenya.

By prioritizing innovation, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, KenGen is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for Kenya's energy landscape.  


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Note to Editor:

About KenGen

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC - KenGen is the leading electricity generation company in the Eastern Africa region with an installed generation capacity market share of more than 60%. The company’s primary business is to provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced electric energy for the country in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner while creating value for its stakeholders.

Today, KenGen PLC has an installed generation capacity of 1,904MW, of which over 86% is drawn from green sources namely: Hydro (826MW), Geothermal (799MW), Wind (25.5MW). The balance is from Thermal.

For media queries please contact:  

Frank D. Ochieng, Tel:0721816896   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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